Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. As the clock hands keep turning, I am still sitting at my desk, looking at my computer, trying to decide what project I should start. My final paper for English? My two papers for Comparative Politics? Do I actually start studying for exams? I have so many things to do and so little time to do them all in! I can’t forget about the time I need to spend with my friends here at Lehigh. Our Rock Band tournaments do take up a decent amount of time, after all. The difference between college and high school still astounds me. With only four classes this semester, I am having some difficulty with time management while studying for exams. Is it so wrong that I would rather hang out with my friends than crack open a book in my room by myself? I don’t think that what I’m feeling is unusual for college students, and I think it is a question that must plague many. As much as I’ve gotten used to my current lifestyle, it is still new. New surroundings, new people, new concepts and new ideas. Of course, I am using my studying time to think about these questions.
The clock is still ticking down. It’s 7:30 on a Thursday night. My friends all want to go out, and yet here I am, procrastinating studying by writing another blog. Since one of my teachers was kind enough to give her final exam on Wednesday, December 2, I only have two finals during exam time. Unfortunately those two exams are not as easy as I would prefer (isn’t everyone saying that though?) Statistics will be better than my other one – Challenges in US Foreign Policy. Even just typing the name makes me shudder. That class is the bane of my existence; a dreaded hour and a half every Monday and Wednesday. You know how sometimes students just don’t click with their teachers? Well now I know how those students feel. Sitting in a classroom and having someone talk at me is not my idea of a productive class period. I need discussion and analysis. I need a little something to keep me awake during that class. So now whenever I try and start studying for this exam, all I can think about is how excited I am for this class to be over. The second I hand in my final I am thanking god for being done. I’ve already consented to the fact that I won’t get the grade I want, so I am having trouble motivating myself to study. As probably all the other students on college campuses around the world are saying, “I can’t wait for finals to be over!”
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